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Brown's Freeport Summer Ad

Brown's Freeport

Traditional  30 Second Cable Ad

Lights, camera, animations! With Anthony as our tour guide and showing tons of shoes being our goal animations became the punctuation this ad needed to impact the audience.

Style: Traditional Ad

Duration: 00:30

This television ad ran on local networks for around three months. It covered the 30-mile surrounding radius of the brick-and-mortar retail store it was designed for. This ad was the first of a multi-ad television campaign that helped to grow the store's brand awareness in the nearby larger regional market the store was attempting to break into.

The Destination

To create this television ad, we needed one day to film the talent on location and another day to record their voice-over in a studio. After assembling the video, we added animations to create bold and attention-grabbing text with sharp movements that reinforce the voice-over. Our goal was to create a simple yet effective ad that would capture the audience's attention.

The Process

Screen Grab #4 Freeport Brown's Summer Ad
Screen Grab #5 Freeport Brown's Summer Ad
Screen Grab #6 Freeport Brown's Summer Ad
Screen Grab #2 Freeport Brown's Summer Ad
Screen Grab #1 Freeport Brown's Summer Ad
Screen Grab #3 Freeport Brown's Summer Ad

This television ad ran on local networks for around three months. It covered the 30-mile surrounding radius of the brick-and-mortar retail store it was designed for. This ad was the first of a multi-ad television campaign that helped to grow the store's brand awareness in the nearby larger regional market the store was attempting to break into.

The Destination

To create this television ad, we needed one day to film the talent on location and another day to record their voice-over in a studio. After assembling the video, we added animations to create bold and attention-grabbing text with sharp movements that reinforce the voice-over. Our goal was to create a simple yet effective ad that would capture the audience's attention.

The Process

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